

I am going to say what a lot of you are thinking: Sometimes I dream about getting a job.

My fantasy includes the joy of just executing on someone else’s plan. What if I didn’t have to be the CEO, marketer, business developer, administrative assistant, and janitor? Ahhhhhh…

The thought of just having to do one job sounds absolutely luxurious sometimes – and I do know how hard professionals are working these days.

Sometimes I go so far as to apply to a position if I see something I really like. I say to myself, “I would absolutely consider the right opportunity.” And I would.

Recently, I helped two long-time small business clients get great jobs. Their businesses were doing pretty well, but for different reasons they found full-time opportunities and jumped on them. (For the record, both of them are extroverts and struggled with working alone. They are energized by interacting and working with others.)

It kind of shocked me when I actually got called in for an interview recently. Now I had to get my act together, and figure out how I was going to answer the questions I so frequently coach others on answering clearly and concisely. I enjoyed the process.

I made it past the initial HR screen, the phone screen with the hiring manager, and was invited for a face-to-face meeting with the hiring manager.

Now things got real. Was I really willing to give up my business and work full time in an office? Maybe. It would have to feel right.

As it turned out, I thought I would be great at parts of the job, but wasn’t as excited about other parts. I decided to take my hat out of the ring and pitch the parts I wanted to do in a consulting role. And it might even work out. We’ll be talking again in a few weeks.

But I had an uneasy feeling as I was going through the process. Was I misleading my prospects and clients? Would people assume that I had “failed” if I took a “real job”? Possibly.

I have coached clients through this transition before. There definitely is some guilt and shame associated with the transition – but there shouldn’t be.

Pamela Slim made an excellent case for the fact that professionals will go in and out of different “work modes” during their career in her book Body of Work: Finding the Thread That Ties Your Story Together. One way of making a living isn’t the right way and one way isn’t evil.

Corporate isn’t necessarily bad and owning your own business isn’t necessarily good. I could sell you either way on both work modes. Here at Business Unplugged™ we tell you the truth: Having your own business is hard work. But it can be very financially and emotionally rewarding, too.

But if you get to the point where you are daydreaming about a job, apply and try to get an interview. You may land a great opportunity – or you may come back to your business recommitted.

The most important thing is doing good work, hopefully work that you enjoy and pays you well. There is no shame in that.

Do you dream of a J O B sometimes? How did/would you feel if you interviewed for a job? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. I would love to hear from you on this.

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