culled from:bizjournal.com

With the end of the year approaching, are you gearing up for another go at sales planning? Are you doing it again because it worked last time, or because that’s what you’ve always done?

If you answered yes to the latter, then think again before subjecting your firm to the same process and expecting different results.

Ask the following questions to make 2015 a better year:
1. How did last year’s sales plan work out?

Did you follow it? Did it accomplish your goals? How so? How not?
2. Have your buyers changed the reasons for what they buy?

Sometimes there can be a shift from lower cost to higher quality or better service. Missing these shifts can have severe consequences.
3. Have your buyers changed how they buy?

Your buyer may be implementing a new program such as outsourcing the function to a third party or by holding a reverse auction. Or the ultimate buyer in your customer’s organization may have changed from the purchasing department to the operations function.
4. Should you reorganize all your activities around selling, delivery and development?

If your “sales farmers” who serve existing customers are not “sales hunters” who can close new sales, create two jobs rather than lose business.
5. Should you change their compensation?

Be very careful. Sales commission plans are the most powerful change you can make. Don’t surprise salespeople or take away what they believe they deserve. And don’t make an abrupt change. Instead, create a runway for change so that they are not impacted.
6. Where does your sales force need the most help?

Consider training strategies and automation if these will help. Find out what’s most needed, and supply that assistance.

Effective sales teams making their goals need your support more than your management. Remember that your top 20 percent of your sales force usually accounts for 80 percent of your sales.

Make sure you are focusing them on closing big business rather than distracting them with paperwork, coaching, or worst of all, management duties. And then, stay out of their way and have a great 2015.

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