Less Busy, More Productive

culled from:articleworld.com

Our lives seem to be getting busier each day; from the time we wake up, there are endless tasks to be done… work, meetings, emails, errands, chores,.. to many other routine things. Irrespective of all the advice on “Get More Done In Less Time”, being busy has become a norm.

In reality,

    Just because you’re “busy” doesn’t mean you’re getting real work done.

    Being busy creates stress (most of the time), while productivity creates a feeling of accomplishment.

    Being busy makes time fly. On the other hand, if you are productive, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much you got done.

Indeed, there is a very distinct difference between being busy and being productive. To some, That may be a blinding glimpse of the obvious. Yet so many continue to be busy, busy, busy and at the end of the day, you wonder why you have not achieved much; why you are not as productive as you’d like to be.

Although you can’t be productive every moment, being aware of the difference between being busy and being productive can make you more effective and help you get more done. Continual busyness eventually leads to stress, particularly if results are minimal.

I don’t have a sophisticated productivity solution to offer. My suggestion is rather simple..
With each activity ask yourself:
1. “Is this the best use of my time?”
If the answer is yes, you are on the right path.
For those of you who said, “No”,
1. Do something more productive or
2. Continue to do whatever it is you’re doing, but at least acknowledge that you’re not being productive!

2. “What am I avoiding doing right now that would really help me be more productive? ”
Trust me, if you really look at that question and answer it honestly, you’ll walk away with some pretty good information for what you should be really doing.

I invite you to consider devoting a few minutes today to check over your task list, or to reflecting on how you spent your time last week, and ask… “Am I busy, or am I productive?”

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