As regards segmentation, this text contains 22 millionaire tips, technically christened “Millionaire Capsules”. Capsule one is labelled “Set specific and clear money goals”. Through his financial mentor as a mouthpiece, Arowolo stresses that it is only when you set clear and specific goals that you can transform your imagination into reality. Through his conversation with this financial mentor, Arowolo asserts that wealth is not measured in monetary terms, but how much your stream of passive income can take care of your expenses.

Capsule two is based on the need to dream your naira into existence. According to Arowolo here, you must be a millionaire inside to become a millionaire outside. Through his financial mentor, he illuminates that you can command every imaginative material possession into existence only if you have a strong desire. Arowolo asserts that to make your dream come into reality, you must make it a dominant passion.

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